Work on yourself.

It is important to realize the necessity of space. When a person who always pings you to talk, is hyped about everything, talks cheerfully and emits positive vibes, stops doing that, it is going to come to notice. So, just stop. Pull the lever, slam the brakes. You don’t need to send the first text. If he wanted to talk, he would text. If he has entered your life when it was not required at all, let him make the efforts. If he isn’t making efforts, you let it be. Get slow on the hype, stop with the excitement. Just do your own work. Be happy in your own world. Work on yourself, your hair, your skin, your body, your work. Binge-watch that series. Learn a new language. Watch interesting videos. Read up articles. Read a book. There is so much unknown to you in this world. When you are worrying about a person and then you think about all the things in this world unknown to you, you realise how insignificant the standing of this person is in your life. You like talking to him? Sure, that is just going to end someday: temporary happiness from someone which is not really serving any purpose nor giving any benefit.

Just work on yourself. Because, at the end of the day, your life is all about you. Everyone else is also working on themselves. Why are you not the one getting the texts? Because you are not the one who is on their minds. If someone is not involving you in their life, what makes you want to keep them in yours? Your life is all about you. It comprises your choices and decisions. You select your activities. You select what you want to do with the time given to you because ultimately, it’s going to end someday.

Time is precious and do not waste that on someone who was not worth it. You can spend hours thinking about someone and you can spend the same amount of time watching TedTalks. Or reading a book. Or watching a movie. The only outcome is that thinking about the someone will lead to nothing. He is not going to text you as a result of all that thinking. But that TedTalk, that book or that movie can give you information or happiness.

Make your life mostly about you. Because it is truly yours and you can do whatever you want with it. Make it so that you don’t look back at a certain event and think, “That was a waste.”

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