The beauty of privacy.

Social media has made it possible for everyone to share every second of their life with everyone. The other day I was swiping through the Instagram stories of my followees (yes because donee, trustee, then why not followee), the fellow human being had posted what she had done throughout the day. I know she went to the beach, she ate pancakes at XYZ restaurant, she also baked a cake at her friend’s place. If I wanted to kill her, I would know exactly where to find her.

I do not post so much on Instagram but I do make luxurious use of Snapchat because I feel it allows me to share things with a closed group of people. I will admit I also do use Snapchat for showing off certain things.

And then it struck me, why do people need to know what I am doing at this exact moment? If I send them a snap of a glass of orange juice in front of a laptop, they will know I am drinking orange juice and working on my laptop. Which is so unnecessary.

There is a beauty in being private. What you are doing throughout the day, what you are eating, what you are cooking, what you are reading- keep those to yourself. So today, when I was drinking a tall glass of fresh juice, I felt the need to send a snap of it to people. But since, I have already uninstalled Snapchat (exactly so that I don’t send impulsive snaps to people), I did not have the means to do it. And somewhere, that made me reflect that yes, nobody needs to know that I am drinking fresh juice. How does that affect them in any way? You could be partying in Hawaii and having the best of your times and nobody would know. You could be learning how to ride a horse and not update your progress for all the people to know. You can enjoy an aesthetic sky after a fresh spell of rain on your own without 300 other people knowing that you are doing so. You can workout and build your body without notifying other people about it.

Point being, do things for yourself. Live in the moment. Enjoy them. Not one person out there really cares what you are doing. But when you show results, keep them wondering when and where you learnt it. Keep your life a surprise.

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